Walter Schnepel 2008

The craftsmanship of the old master boat and yacht builders combined with a fine feeling for form and material has been inspiring ever since. Not only the skilful handling of wood, cordage and canvas, but also the attention to detail in fittings, hooks and other metal parts show how the form created by the function develops an elegance without pretense. The wealth of shapes that arose from this maritime area resulted in door and window handles for use in apartments and buildings.

Material and coating


Door handles

Square roses, 4 screws
Square roses, 4 screws

Square roses, 2 screws
Square roses, 2 screws

Round roses
Round roses

Round Roses, concealed fixing
Round Roses, concealed fixing

Angular long plate
Angular long plate

Rounded long plate
Rounded long plate


Window handles

Angular rose
Angular rose

Angular rose, with 90°-click stop
Angular rose, with 90°-click stop

Oval rose
Oval rose

Rounded Rose
Rounded Rose

Rounded rose, with 90°-click-stop
Rounded rose, with 90°-click-stop

Angular rose, lockable
Angular rose, lockable

Rounded rose, lockable
Rounded rose, lockable

Walter Schnepel


The TECNOLUMEN founder is much more than just an entrepreneur: he is also an art collector, developer and passionate design ambassador.

Learn more about Walter Schnepel

Matching products